This article will guide you to delete a DNS record from zone editor in cPanel. In zone editor, you can add, modify and delete records. This action may lead to big problems if you delete an important file, so before deleting a DNS record you check properly. You can delete any DNS records types such as CNAME, TXT, and A record. DNS is called as internet address book, it helps you to get the traffic to your website. You should be aware of DNS records and set up process before doing anything in a zone editor. DNS record usually connects the domain name and IP address.

Follow the steps below to delete a DNS record from zone editor

Step 1: Login to cPanel

Step 2: Click the option Zone Editor under the section Domains

Step 3: Select the domain name and click the option “Manage”

Step 4: Select a DNS record which is to be deleted and click the option “Delete”

Step 5: A confirmation message will be displayed and click the option “Continue” to delete it

Step 1 Login to cPanel.
Step 2 Click Zone Editor under the section Domains.
Click Zone Editor under Domain section.

Click Zone Editor

Step 3 Select the domain name and click the option “Manage”.
Click Manage Option

Click Manage Option

Step 4 Select a DNS record to delete and click the option “Delete”.
Select a DNS record to Delete and Click Delete.

Select a DNS record

Step 5 Confirm the record to be deleted by clicking the option “Continue”.
View the conformation deletion box and click continue

Click continue

Step 6 Now you have successfully deleted a DNS Record.


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