The Plesk CLI (Command Line Interface) was designed in order to integrate the Plesk Server Administrator with other third-party applications. This CLI can also be used to manage Plesk installations by administrators experienced in using Plesk. This feature provides the CLI (Command Line Interface) to the complete the majority of management tasks that can be performed by Plesk Administrator. The Command Line Interface provides an alternative means of control for various objects in Plesk. Plesk CLI utilities use the Plesk core functionality to create, manage, and delete domains, clients, services, and other Plesk tasks.The directory on the Plesk server of Command line utilities for Plesk for Linux/Unix are located in the /PRODUCT\_ROOT\_D/bin
The mail utility is used to manage domain mail service and mail names (email accounts) through CLI. You can perform the following tasks using this utility:
1.Enabling or disabling mail service on a domain
2.Creating and deleting mail accounts
3.Editing mail account settings
4.Managing mail groups associated with mail accounts
5.Managing mail user control panel access
6. With help of this utility, You can manage the mail user control panel interface parameters, it is also possible to automate the process of managing mail accounts.
Create email accounts in Plesk on Linux:
Following command is used to create mail account by Linux command line for the parallel Plesk panel
/usr/local/psa/bin/mail --create -mailbox true -passwd Pa55w0rd -antivirus in.