What is Ruby Selector?

The Ruby Selector allows the users to select the needed precise version of Ruby.

This Selector feature encourages the end users to work on the available and latest Ruby version for their applications also they can install further gems (modules) to the application environment.

Ruby-Selector uses mod_passenger for optimum performance.

  • Supports Ruby versions 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, and 2.1
  • Allows users to install additional modules to application environments

Each of your customers is totally different, and each has the completely different need. Without CloudLinux OS, the only way to handle a client needing a special and required version of Ruby is to move the client to Virtual Private Server(VPS), which is commonly costly and might encourage your client to move to a unique hosting provider.

CloudLinux OS gives control to the top user. Only those users who want it will use Ruby-Selector.

The Ruby Selector is available for CloudLinux six or later version. It also requires LVE Manager 0.9-1 or later. But, as an administrator, the Ruby Selector choice can be hidden and it will not be seen within the user interface.

Command to use Ruby-Selector installation:

The below command is used to install alternative Ruby Packages using Ruby Selector.

yum groupinstall alt-ruby

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