Create a MySQL user account

Create a MySQL user account in cPanel

Create MySQL User Account in cPanel

MySQL Database is an open source Relational Database Management System software which helps to store, retrieve, organize and update the contents in Database.

This article will show you How to create a MySQL User account in cPanel. MySQL database is very useful to run many web-based applications. It works as a backend and mostly used in CMS (Content Management System) and etc.

The MySQL root user has full access to all of the databases. However, other database users have some restrictions to access the database. You can create MySQL user with the custom privileges. The user can be granted various kinds of privileges in accessing the database.

You can add a user to your MySQL Database or create a user, by following the below simple steps

Step 1: Login to cPanel

Step 2: Click MySQL Database Wizard under Database section

Step 3: Type a name for your database and click the Next Step button

Step 4: To create a user, type the username, password and then click “Create User”

Step 5: Created a user and set the privileges to the user

Step 1 Login to cPanel with appropriate username and password. After logged in, you can view the database option in cPanel Dashboard.
Step 2 Click MySQL Database Wizard under Database section.
Click MySQL Database wizard under database section

Click MySQL Database wizard

Step 3Type a name for your database and click the Next Step button.
Enter Database name and click next step

Enter Database name and go to next step

Step 4 Follow these steps
  1. Type a UserName.
  2. Type the Password twice.
  3. Click the Create User Button and move onto the next step.
Enter User name and password and click create user

Enter user name and password

Step 5 Successfully Created a MySQL user named as “demoserv_admin” and Set privileges to the user.
successfully MySQL Database created

successfully MySQL Database created

Once the Successful message is shown in the cPanel, you can view the list of database user in the MySQL Database. Under the current user, you can reset the password also.

The above steps have illustrated the process to create the database and MySQL user to access the database.

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