A subdomain is an aliase of the main domain. The subdomain is an independent site so you can be uploaded the different content but it does not affect the main website. you can able to install anything without any impact on your main site. Search engine treated as a subdomain as different sites and index them in their own right. Now You can see about subdomain and subdomain benefits.
Benefits of Subdomain:
First thing subdomain is creating in free of cost, just you got the main domain from your hosting provider then you can able to create the subdomain by using the main domain.
The main domain is not slow even you can add the heavy resource on a subdomain
You can use different themes for a particular purpose
Google will not penalize the site even you have a large number of subdomains.
we can able to use the keyword as the subdomain name for clarity.
you can easy to install and upload anything to a subdomain and avoid the conflict between software and plugins.
Examples of subdomain benefits
MAIN DOMAIN: school.com
SUBDOMAIN: result.school.com
The above examples illustrate the subdomain purposes. The subdomain creates them as the separate website without a cost and it the includes the different content in it.
The above example, the school.com represent about school websites and the result.school.com represent the student result only. It’s not necessary to do hosted the same related content if you have interested to host differently.
For example, the school.com hosting client has the one stationary shop so they will create the website like stationary.school.com with free of cost.