What is a file extension?

After naming a file, extensions are used to identify the type of a file. The extensions are added to the filename as a suffix with a dot representation(.) followed by one, two three or four characters. A file may have multiple extensions. Example:file.txt is a file name and .txt is its extension.

Why file extensions are used?

File extensions help an operating system to determine the program in which the file is associated. For example, file extensions starting with .m are often music or video formats such as .mov,.mp3,.mp4. These formats help the operating system to access the correct program quickly in the system.

List of file extensions that can’t be attached:

Some of the file extensions are blocked by default for uploading and downloading because those files may be executable files. Files with curly braces {} are also automatically blocked. The file extensions that are blocked by default are as follows



.ade Microsoft Access project extension
.adp Microsoft Access project
.app Application file
.asa ASP declarations file
.ashx ASP.NET Web handler file. Web handlers are software modules that handle raw HTTP requests received by ASP.NET.
.asmx ASP.NET Web Services source file
.asp Active Server Pages
.bas Microsoft Visual Basic class module
.bat Batch file
.cdx Compound index
.cer Certificate file
.chm Compiled HTML Help file
.class Java class file
.cmd Microsoft Windows NT command script
.com Microsoft MS-DOS program
.config Configuration file
.cpl Control Panel extension
.crt Security certificate
.csh Script file
.dll Windows dynamic link library
.exe Program
.fxp Microsoft Visual FoxPro compiled program
.hlp Help file
.hta HTML program
.htr Script file
.htw HTML document
.ida Internet Information Services file
.idc Internet database connector file
.idq Internet data query file
.ins Internet Naming Service
.isp Internet Communication settings
.its Internet Document Set file
.jse JScript Encoded script file
.ksh Korn Shell script file
.lnk Shortcut
.mad Shortcut
.maf Shortcut
.mag Shortcut
.mam Shortcut
.maq Shortcut
.mar Shortcut
.mas Microsoft Access stored procedure
.mat Shortcut
.mau Shortcut
.mav Shortcut
.maw Shortcut
.mda Microsoft Access add-in program
.mdb Microsoft Access program
.mde Microsoft Access MDE database
.mdt Microsoft Access data file
.mdw Microsoft Access workgroup
.mdz Microsoft Access wizard program
.msc Microsoft Common Console document
.msh Microsoft Agent script helper
.msh1 Microsoft Agent script helper
.msh1xml Microsoft Agent script helper
.msh2 Microsoft Agent script helper
.msh2xml Microsoft Agent script helper
.mshxml Microsoft Agent script helper
.msi Microsoft Windows Installer package
.msp Windows Installer patch package file
.mst Visual Test source files
.ops Microsoft Office profile settings file
.pcd Photo CD image or Microsoft Visual Test compiled script
.pif Shortcut to MS-DOS program
.prf System file
.prg Program source file
.printer Printer file
.pst Microsoft Outlook personal folder file
.reg Registration entries
.rem ACT! database maintenance file
.scf Windows Explorer command file
.scr Screen saver
.sct Script file
.shb Windows shortcut
.shs Shell Scrap object
.shtm HTML file that contains server side directives
.shtml HTML file that contains server side directives
.soap Simple Object Access Protocol file
.stm HTML file that contains server side directives
.url Uniform Resource Locator (Internet shortcut)
.vb Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript)) file
.vbe VBScript Encoded Script file
.vbs VBScript file
.ws Windows Script file
.wsc Windows Script Component
.wsf Windows Script file
.wsh Windows Script Host settings file

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