About WordPress:

WordPress is an online, open source website creation tool written in PHP. It’s the most popular and easiest way to create the blogging and website content management system. The Profile section in WordPress helps to specify how your name should be displayed on the website, set email id for administrative purpose and other personal information related to your WordPress account. Here you will see the steps to edit your profile in WordPress.

Steps to edit your profile in WordPress:

  • Login into your WordPress admin panel.
  • Navigate to Users> Your Profile.
  • Now you are redirecting to the actual profile page. Here you fill the required details in it.
  1. Name: Information related to your personal details such as:
  2. Username: The Username you use to login to your account(can’t be changed)
  3. First Name: Your first name
  4. Last Name: Your Last Name.
  5. Nickname: The nickname will be displayed under your posts.
  6. Display name publicly as- Choose what should be displayed as your name when you post your articles.
  7. Contact Info: The information related to how you can be contacted. It includes the below details
Email- Here enter the email address you would like to receive the notifications from WordPress. Also, this email will be used for password reset.
Website-Enter the website name.
About Yourself:
Here you can simply add some useful information about you. Under this box, you can see a section that contains fields to change the current admin password by simply entering the new password twice.
Once the editing was completed, click on the Update profile button to save the entered information on your profile. Now the profile is updated successfully.
We hope this will help you to make any changes in your WordPress profile. For more information. follow us on Facebook and Twitter. For video tutorials, subscribe to our YouTube channel “ServerCake India“.

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