How to use Virus Scanner in cPanel
Virus Scanner is used to scan and find the virus, trojan horses( malicious computer program ) and other types of malware in your account files and clean up the infected files. The virus scanner can also be used to scan the particular directory, so you should run this scan frequently to check if any of your web site files are infected with known viruses. To use virus scanner in cPanel, follow the below steps
Step 2: Go to the Advanced section and Select “Virus Scanner” option.
Step 4: Click “Scan Now” button.
Step 5: The “Virus Scanner” start the process and list out the “Infected Files” in the text box.
Step 6: If your cPanel contains “No Virus”. It redirects to the virus scanner main page.
Step 9: After the process completion. The result displayed.
Step 1 Login to the cPanel.
Step 2 Go to the Advanced section and Select “Virus Scanner” option.
Step 3 Here you can select the section to scan in cPanel. To scan entire account. Select “Scan Entire Home Directory” radio button.
Step 4 Click “Scan Now” button.
Step 5 The “Virus Scanner” start the process and list out the “Infected Files” in the text box.
Step 6 If your cPanel contains “No Virus”. It redirects to the virus scanner main page.
Step 7 If your cPanel account has the “virus files”. It displays the No. of. Infected file in the dialog box. Click “OK” button to proceed.
Step 8 Select the appropriate action for the files. Here we selected the “Disinfect”. The list of virus affected files are emails and click “Process Cleanup” button to proceed the process.
Note: Only mailbox can be disinfected.