What is RPM Packet Manager?
RPM (RPM Package Manager) is a popular utility for installing software on Unix-like systems, especially Red HatLinux. RPM was developed on the basis of the Linux Standard Base (LSB). It is a powerful and a command-line driven package management system. It is capable of installing, uninstalling, verifying, updating and querying UNIX Software packages. Each package consists of the arbitrary set of files that contains the information about the package like its version and description.
How to view the list of installed applications on the server?
The list of installed applications in the server can be viewed by using rpm command. With root privilege, rpm command can be used to manage RPM Software Packages.
RPM file name has package name, version, release and architecture name. Install the RPM by using the command#rpm -ivh
The list of installed applications in the server can be viewed by using the command, #rpm -qa
After the installation of a package, to check the installation use the command, #rpm -q
If there is a list of files and to know which package owns these list of files, use the command #rpm -qf
To know the list of documentation for a package that owns a file, use the command #rpm -qdf
To know a lot of information about the installed package, use the command #rpm -qi
If you want to know more information about a package before installing it, use the command #rpm -qip
To list all the files in a package, use the command #rpm -qlp
To list the dependency packages, use the command #rpm -qRp
To know the state (installed, replaced or normal) of file, use the command #rpm -qsp
To verify a particular package, use the command #rpm -Vp
To verify a package that owns a file, use the command #rpm -Vf
To upgrade a package, use the command #rpm -Uvh
To uninstall an RPM package, use the command # rpm -e
To verify all the installed packages, use the command # rpm -Va