view files in cPanel using File Manager

View Files in cPanel

View files in File Manager

Using the File Manager in cPanel, the files can be accessed easily. It also helps to manage the and edit the files. To view the files in File Manager, follow the below steps

Step 1: Login to cPanel

Step 2: Select the option File Manager on the cPanel dashboard

Step 3: Redirected to a new window where the list of files and folders available on the cPanel account can be viewed

Step 1 Login into the cPanel
Step 2 Click “File Manager” on the cPanel dashboard
cPanel File Manager with Paper Latern Theme

cPanel File Manager

Step 3 It will redirect you to the new window there you can view the list of files and folders available on the cPanel account.
Files and Folders on cPanel File Manager

List of Files and Folders

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