
Most of the functional websites need important email addresses and email data to offer good service to their customers. If any data is lost, it may cause any hassles with the customer. So, we offer periodical backup of your website data that include emails also in the JetBackup option.

The server stores the email account backups to those that are using IMAP for their incoming mail server. The email accounts using POP3 does not have the backup in the server as the emails will be stored in the local machine. cPanel helps the user to take the backup of an email account and restore them. This article guides the user to download the email account backups.

Steps to Download Email Account backups:

The cPanel user can download the email account backups with the ‘JetBackup’ option in cPanel. Here, follow the below steps to download the email accounts backup.

Step 1: Log in to the cPanel with username and password.

Step 2: Click on E-mail backups under the section ‘Jetbackup’.

Go to Email backups

Step 3: In the Email Accounts backups page, you can view the available email account with creation time. Creation Time represents the time in which backup was generated. Select the email account and the date of backup, click on the option ‘Generate Download’.

Generate download backup

Step 4: You will see a pop-up message “Notice that we are saving only the last 1 downloads in our server. older downloads will be deleted. are you sure you want to download this backup?” click the ok button and continue the process.

Pop up message to download backup

Step 5: You will see a note indicating that ‘Download in progress’. Once the download link is generated, click the download link and save the file in your local computer.

Step 6: Now, you can download the available backup needed at your end. If need to remove the generated backup, click on the option ‘Remove Download’.

Download email backup

We hope that this article will help you to download the backup of an email account using JetBackup via cPanel. For more information, follow us on Twitter and Facebook. For video tutorials, subscribe to our YouTube channel ServerCake India.

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