Run SQL queries using phpMyAdmin
phpMyAdmin is one of the most popular applications for MySQL database management. It is a graphical user interface (GUI) for managing the data within a MySQL database. It helps to manage the database tables. To run SQL queries using phpMyAdmin, follow the below steps
Step 1: Login to cPanel
Step 2: Select the option phpMyAdmin in the Database section
Step 3: Select the database on the left side of the panel from the list of available databases
Step 4: Select the option SQL from the list of menus at the top of the page
Step 5: SQL Editor can be displayed
Step 6: In the SQL Editor, enter the SQL queries and then click the button “Go” to execute the queries
Step 7: SQL query will be executed, then a successful message will be displayed
Step 1 Login to cPanel.
Step 2 Go to Database Section and select phpMyAdmin.

Select phpMyAdmin
Step 3 Select the Database on the left pane.

Select the database
Step 4 Select the SQL option on the top of the page.

Select the SQL Option in top of the page
Step 5 Now we can view the SQL editor.

SQL Editor on phpMyAdmin
Step 6 Enter the SQL Queries in the SQL Editor and click “Go” button to execute the SQL Queries.

Enter the query on the editor
Step 7 The SQL Query will be executed and success message will be displayed.

SQL Query Result displayed
Step 8 Done!