Putty is a client program for the SSH, Telnet, and Rlogin network protocols. It is a free client software developed by Simon Tatham, on 22-10-1999 and then the latest version is released on 07-11-2015. The version 0.67 is still in an active state and everyone is using it.

Putty using key based authentication in cPanel:

  1. Login to cPanel
  2. Go to security tab -> SSH/Shell Access to generate SSH key pair for using with SSH client like putty.
  3. Click SSH/Shell access -> Manage SSH Key -> Generate a New Key.
  4. Enter the Key Name by default (rsa_id). But you can choose any key name.
  5. Enter the key password, key type, and key size.
  6. And click on generate key button.

Then your key is generated. There are two types of keys available. They are the public and private keys which are similar to a puzzle. They are connected together during the login/authentication process.

The public key is located on the server and then the private key on the local machine/client machine. When you try to log into a server, the public and private keys are compared. If they match together, then you will be allowed to log into the server.

  1. Download the private key in the corresponding column of the key name that you have generated.

An alternate way to generate the key:

  1. Download Putty.exe from the internet.
  2. Run the application on your current platform.
  3. Enter the respective details in Session.
  4. Go to connection -> SSH -> Auth in the left menu and choose ‘private key file for authentication’. Use path to your id_dsa.ppk or id_rsa.ppk file.
  5. Go to the connection -> data in the left menu and set ‘auto-login username’ to your username in the right side.
  6. Click the session at the top of the left menu. Make sure that the saved session name is correct and continue the procedure to use putty.

Procedure to use Putty:


 Putty doesn’t have the same functionality as WinSCP or Tunnelier. It has CLI (Command Line Interface). The instructions to use the Putty are as follows

  1. Download the Putty.exe from the internet.
  2. Run the application Putty.exe. You can see security warning window, click run to start the application.
  3. Enter the Host Name (or IP address). or example.in. in the host name.
  4. Enter the Port as 22
  5. Ensure Connection type as SSH.
  6. Enter any name in the Saved Sessions to remember the saved login details.
  7. And then click to save the saved session.
  8. If already you have the saved session, click on it. Then press ‘open’ button to start using Putty.
Linux OS:

To connect the server via SSH, run the following command from the terminal.

Syntax: ssh -p [portno] <username>@<IP address>

Example: ssh -p 22 sampleuser@

For Shared and Reseller account use the port number 2222 and then for VPS and Dedicated server use port number 22 by default. For VPS and Dedicated servers, use the credentials of WHM. The Shared and Reseller accounts use cPanel username and password or else, the putty application is used. It is similar to windows GUI procedure. The same procedure is followed for the Mac OS also.

A CLI (Command Line Interface) putty console is open:

  1. Initially, the cursor points to ‘log in as’
  2. Enter the username in login as and press enter button.
  3. Then it prompts to enter the password. While entering the password, it doesn’t get displayed. Then press ‘Enter’ to continue.
  4. Successful login shows the previous login detail. If it is the first time it doesn’t show the details. You will able to view the username@hostname.
  5. Example: <username>@<hostname>
  6. Sample: sample@example.in / IP address.
  7. Now you will able to move up, through the folder, and create, edit, delete content in the current user repository.
  8. When you complete your session, you should log out by typing the server’s own “logout” command. Otherwise, use “exit” command to logout.
  9. After the “logout” or “exit” or “quit” command from the client CLI, then the putty window will be closed automatically.


  • Putty: The Telnet, Rlogin, and SSH client, which can connect through the port number 22.
  • PSCP: An SCP client for securing file copy. SCP (Secure Copy Protocol) refers to remote file copy program.
  • PSFTP: An SFTP client. It is similar to the FTP used as general file transfer session.
  • PuTTYtel: A telnet-only client.
  • Plink: A CLI (Command Line Interface) to the PuTTY back end.
  • PuTTYgen: An RSA and DSA key generator utility.
  • pterm: A standalone terminal emulator.

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