Install Concrete5 on cPanel

Install Concrete5 on cPanel using Softaculous

Install Concrete5 on cPanel using Softaculous

Concrete5 is an open source. free content management system, written in PHP. It was designed for users with minimum technical skills which helps to publish content on the World Wide Web and intranets. It also helps the users to edit the contents of the site directly from the page.

For installing Concrete5 through Softaculous on cPanel, follow the below steps

Step 1: Login into cPanel

Step 2: Click Softaculous Apps Installer on cPanel dashboard

Step 3: Type “Concrete5” in the search box, then see the Concrete5 application and then click it

Step 4: Click Install now

Step 5: Fill the fields in the textbox and then Click the button “Install”

Step 6: Redirected to the Installation Process Page and the installation is in progress

Step 7: When the installation is done, the successful installation message and the website links will be displayed

Step 1 Login into cPanel.
Step 2 Click Softaculous Apps Installer on cPanel dashboard.

Login cPanel and click Softaculous App Installer

Step 3 Type “Concrete5” in the search box, then see the Concrete5 application and then click it.

Search Concrete5 on Softaculous

Step 4 Click Install now.
Click the button Install Now

Click Install Now

Step 5 Fill the Softaculous installation fields such as Software Setup, Admin Account in the text box and then click the install button.
Fill the necessary details in the text box

Fill the text boxes

Step 6 Redirected to the Installation Process Page and the installation is in progress.
The installation progress page

Installation Progress Page

Step 7 When the installation is done, the successful installation message and the website links will be displayed.
Concrete5 installation is done

Overview of Concrete5 installation

Step 8 Done!