Extract the files in cPanel

cPanel is the most popular Linux hosting control panel. The files uploaded in the cPanel can be compressed and uncompressed using File Manager. The files compressed in zip archive format can be uncompressed easily by extracting it in the specific folder. To extract the files in cPanel, follow the below steps

Step 1: Login to cPanel

Step 2: Select the option File Manager under the section Files

Step 3: Select the needed zip file to be extracted and click the option ‘Extract’

Step 4: Enter the directory path where the files should be extracted and then click ‘Extract files’

Step 5: The ongoing process of extraction will be displayed

Step 6: Once the extraction is completed, the result will be displayed. Then click the option ‘Close’

Step 1 Login into cPanel.
Step 2 Go to File Manager under Files section in the cPanel dashboard.
Go to File Manager under File section

Go to File Manager under Files

Step 3 Select the needed Zip file to extract and click the Extract option from the list of menus at the top.
Select the needed Zip file to extract and click the Extract option in the top

Click Extract option

Step 4 A dialog box will be displayed, enter the directory path where files should be extracted and click the Extract File(s) option.
It shows the  Extract Toolbox and you will write the extract path in that box and click the Extract File(s) option.

Enter the path to extract files and click Extract files

Step 5 The ongoing process of extraction will be displayed.
It will be showing the Extracting process.

The ongoing process of extraction

Step 6 Once the extraction is done, the result will be displayed. Then click the option ‘Close’. Now the extracted files can be viewed.
The Extracting is done and it will display the Extracting Result.

The result of extracted files