Create a file in cPanel using File Manager
In cPanel, you can organize the files into the folders. Use the File Manager interface in file section to manage & edit your files. You can upload and download the files from the server using FTP (Third party tools) like FileZilla. The files and folder have the permission. In the upcoming tutorial, we will instruct the basic process and functionality to access it in cPanel.
To create a file in cPanel using file manager, follow the below steps
Step 2: Go to “Files” section and select the “File Manager” option.
Step 3: Click on the menu “File” at the top
Step 4: Fill the necessary details in the text box for creating a file
Step 5: In the specified location, the file can be viewed
Step 1Login to cPanel.
Step 2Go to “Files” section and select the “File Manager” option.
Step 3 Click on “File ” button on the menu bar at the top
Step 4 The dialog box will be displayed. In the dialog box, we have to fill the details in the text box.
New File Name:
You have to enter the file name with its extension.
A new file will be created in:
In this textbox, you have to enter the location for the particular file.
Click “Create New File” button.
Step 5 Go to the specified location. There you can view the file.
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