Use the command /proc/cpuinfo to check the Processor Information via SSH. This command gives the detailed information about the CPU cores/processing units.

What is /proc/cpuinfo command?

The /proc/cpuinfo file contains details about individual CPU cores. The CPU information includes details about the processor, like architecture, vendor name, model, the number of cores, speed of each core etc. The output of the commands explains the following details.

Processor –

Provides each processor with an identifying number. On the system that has one processor, only a 0 is present.

CPU family –

Authoritatively identifies the type of processor in the system. For an Intel-based system, place the number in front of “86” to determine the value. This is particularly helpful for those attempting to identify the architecture of an older system such as a 586,486, or 386. Because some RPM packages are compiled for each of this particular architecture, this value also helps users determine which packages to install.

Model name –

Displays the common name of the processor, including its projects name.

Cache size –

Displays the amount of level 2 memory cache available to the processor.


Displays the number of sibling CPUs on the same physical CPU for architecture which uses hyper-threading.

flags –

Defines a number of different qualities about the processor, such as the presence of a floating point unit (FPU) and the ability to process MMX instructions.


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