Change an FTP account

Change an FTP account in cPanel

Change an FTP account quota in cPanel

You can use this interface to create and manage your website’s File Transfer Protocol (FTP) accounts. FTP allows you to manage your website’s files by default if you already have an FTP in your cPanel.

cPanel allows you to change the quota limit of all FTP accounts. So you can modify the quota limit as per the account usage.

To change an FTP account quota, perform the following steps:

Step 1: Login to cPanel

Step 2: Go to Files Section & Select File Manager. Select the option FTP Accounts

Step 3: Under the section FTP Accounts, Click the option Change Quota of an existing FTP Account

Step 4: Set the limit for the account under FTP Quota

Step 5: Once the quota is set for a particular account, click the option Change Quota

Step 6: The account quota is set and a successful message will be displayed

Step 1 Login to cPanel.
Step 2 Go to Files Section & Select File Manager. Now choose the FTP account option.
Choose the FTP Account

Select the FTP Account Menu.

Step 3 Now navigate under FTP account section, check the existing FTP account details and Click on change quota of an existing FTP Account.
Click Change Quota

Click Change Quota.

Step 4 Set the quota as per your allocated resource level or Permitted resource level. While allocating this quota limit aware of the desired FTP account usage, it will help you to retain the resources.
Set FTP Account Quota

Set FTP Account Quota

Step 5 Once you changed the quota limit it will fix to the selected account and you can change this whenever you wish.
Click Change Quota Button

Click Change Quota Button

Step 6 Now save the changes which have been made while changing the quota and this will reflect on FTP account instantly.
Changed FTP Quota Message

Display Changed FTP Quota Message

Step 7 Done!

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