Reset cPanel Password

Reset cPanel Password

This article briefly explains how to reset cPanel password for security purpose. If your password is weak or simpler like your name, phone number etc, then anybody can easily get it and do any changes in your cPanel without your permission. To reset cPanel password, follow the below steps

Step 1: Login to cPanel

Step 2: Select Password and Security option under Preference section

Step 3: Enter the old password and the new password which is to be changed and then click the option “Change your password now”

Step 1 Login to cPanel.
Step 2 Click on the Password and Security option under preference section.


Click on password and security

Click on password and security

Step 3 Here you can to enter the old password as well as the new cPanel password you are going to change. Then click the option “Change your password now”.
Enter the old password and new password

Enter the old password and new password

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