Add Access Host in cPanel
cPanel allows remote servers or web application to access a database hosted on your account. If a server or web application tries to access the database on your account, which is not provided to access, then cPanel will not allow this host to access your database. But, if you have an application, whom you wish to grant access to your databases, you can add their host names or IP address here. To access this interface, follow the below steps
Step 2: Select the option Remote MySQL under the section Databases
Step 3: Under the section Add Access host, enter the domain name or IP address which is to be added
Step 4: Click the option ‘Add host’ to add the host
Step 5: A successful message for the addition of host will be displayed
Step 1 Login to cPanel.
Step 2 Locate the Databases section. Under Databases section locate Remote MySQL option and click on it.
Step 3 To Add Access Host, which can access your databases when needed. You will have to enter Host Name in the text input. You can enter hostnames in three types.
- You can use Domain Name.
- You can use IP address, E.g.
- You can use wildcard %, E.g. %.Domain name or 184.164.144.%
Step 4 Click on Add Host to add an access host.
Step 5 Done. A successful message for the addition of host will be displayed.