What is Nameserver?

A Nameserver is a server connected to the internet permanently. It translates domain names into IP addresses, which allows entering domain name instead of IP address. Every domain must have at least two nameservers listed whenever the domain is registered. Those nameservers are commonly named as ns1.nameserver.com and ns2.nameserver.com in which ‘nameserver’ specifies the name of the server. The first one is the primary server whereas the second is used as a backup server if the first server does not respond to it. This article guides to check Nameserver of a domain in Windows command prompt.

Command to check Nameserver using windows command prompt:

In Windows command prompt, the ‘nslookup’ command is used to check the DNS records of a particular domain. It has a built-in tool to check DNS records in it. The following command is used to check Nameserver for a domain.

nslookup -type-ns yourdomainname.com