Missing Temporary Folder error:

One of the most common error occurred in WordPress. This error is a server side problem thrown by PHP. If PHP can’t able to detect the temporary folder, then this error will occur. You can’t upload any media to the site when this error was generated. In this article, we will show you how to resolve it. Two methods are available to resolve the issue.

First method:
Follow the below steps to resolve the error.

1. Login to your cPanel of your server.
2. Then Click, Filemanager–>public_html–>wp_config.php and open it.

3. Right-click the wp-config.php and click the edit button.
4. Add the below-mentioned code after /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging */

define(‘WP_TEMP_DIR’, dirnameĀ (__FILE__) . ‘/wp-content/temp/’);

happy blogging

5. Save the file and create a folder “temp” in the wp-content folder.

Second method:

The second method includes the below steps.
1. Login to your cPanel.
2. Then open the public_html folder under file manager option.
3. Create a new file with a name php.ini.
4. Add the following code in that file.

upload_tmp_dir= /home/username/public_html/temp/

5. Save the file and create a new temp folder inside public_html.

These methods are used often to solve the issue. We hope that the error got resolved now. If the issue is not resolved, there may be a problem in server configuration so contact your hosting provider.

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