Setup a Domain Redirect in cPanel

Setup a Domain Redirect in cPanel

This article will guide you to create a redirect in your cPanel. Redirects are a method of pointing requests for a web page or site to another page or site. They can be permanent or temporary and often are essential for ensuring that visitors and search engines see the right content for the requested page or site. It automatically adds a rule in .htaccess file. To setup a domain redirect in cPanel, follow the below steps

Step 1: Login to cPanel

Step 2: Select the option Redirect under the section Domains

Step 3: Fill the domain name in the respective field and click add

Step 4: The successful message of adding redirects is displayed

Step 5: Now the redirected domain will be displayed in the list

Step 1 Login to cPanel. Use appropriate username and password to login cPanel.
Step 2 Click redirect under Domain section.
Select Redirect in Domain option

Select Redirect in Domain option

Step 3 Fill the domain name in the respective field and click add.
Fill the domain and click add

Fill the domain and click Add

Step 4 The successful message of adding redirects is displayed.
Success message will display

Success message will display

Step 5 Now the redirected domain will be displayed in the list.
Now the redirected domain is listed

Now the redirected domain is listed