About Jet Backup and its purposes:

We have given the Jet backup option to our clients. Clients will take the website back up at any time using the Jet backup option in the cPanel. Here you will see, how to take backup using the Jet backup feature on cPanel.

What is a Jet backup?

Jet Backup is a leading backup solution for cPanel and it allows you to take backup your cPanel account quickly.

cPanel is a popular web hosting control panel. This panel is a user-friendly and website development tool. In cPanel, you can manage the important aspects of file management, FTP, Email management, Backup management and email related tasks including spam filters and autoresponder, email account forwarders and mailing list, domain management, password protection. We have provided the Jet backup feature to our customers with free of cost.

cPanel Jet backup:

File backups:

Using this option, you can take only files backup in it.

  • Login into cPanel and go to Jet backup interface in it.

  • click the Files backup option and choose the required date backup and click the file manager in it.

  • Now it redirects to next page, here you can choose the required file and check that box then click the download option.

  • wait some time, the backup generate processing on and it will complete, you can download that backup.

Full Account Backup:

Follow the below steps to take the full account backup

Click the Full Account Backups interface and it will go to the available backup page. Here you will choose the required date backup and click the generate download.

Now the generate backup processing on and once it’s done it shows the download and remove download option. Click the download option in it

Tha backup is downloaded successfully on your local computer.

Email Backup:

Click the Email backups interface and it redirects the available backup page. Here choose the required mail id with the needed date. Then click the generate download.

The backup generates processing on and it’s done download the email account backup.

Tha jet backup has the database, DNS, Cron Job,  and SSL certificate backups. If need any backup, you will instantly get it using cPanel Jet Backup option.

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