Horde is a browser-based communication application. By using the Horde user can read, send and organize emails. Also, the user can manage the calenders, tasks, contacts and etc. The horde webmail application is only available to users cPanel mail platform. In this article, we will show to configure global preference options in the Horde.
Follow the below steps:
Step 1: Login into your Horde account with valid username and password.
Step 2: Point the mouse on the wheel icon, click Preferences, and then Global Preferences.
How to change your profile name
Step 1: Click on the personal information.
Step 2: Enter your full name.
Step 3: Click Save Options.
How to change the language used within Horde
Horde supports different language, the user can switch to any language:
Click “Locale and Time”
Select your preferred language from the “Select your preferred language” dropdown
Click “Save Options”

How to change your time zone within Horde
Horde supports different area timezone and also set the time and date.
Click “Locale and Time”.
Select your time zone from the “Your current time zone” dropdown
Click “Save Options”
We hope that this tutorial will help you to Configure Global preference Options in Horde. For more information follow us on Twitter and Facebook. For video tutorials. subscribe to our YouTube channel ServerCake India.