Disk space

The Disk space is the amount of server disk space allotted per hosting account by a hosting company. You can use this space to upload the content of your site – pictures, animations, docs, databases, etc.

Each hosting platform has a specifically allocated disk space. If the disk usage increases, the performance of the server will be decreased. So the usage of the disk can be checked by using SSH. Log in to the server as a root user and use the following commands to get the information about the usage of the disk.


# df – Displays the information of device name, total blocks, total disk space, used disk space, available disk space and mount points on a file system.

# df-a – Displays information of dummy file systems along with all the file system disk usage and their memory utilization.

# df-h – Displays the size information in human readable formats(Gb, Mb).

# df-hT/home – It displays the information of only device /home file system in human-readable format.

# df-k – Displays all file system information and usage in 1024-byte blocks.

# df-m – Displays all file system usage in Mb.

# df-i – Displays the information of a number of used inodes and their percentage for the file system.

# df-T – Displays the file system type of the system.

# df-t ext3 – Displays the certain file system. Here the ext3 type of file will be displayed.

# df-x ext3 – Displays the file system type that does not belong to the ext3 type.

# df-help – Displays a list of available option that is used with df command.

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