Bootstrap is an open source front-end web framework. It contains HTML and CSS-based templates for designing websites and web applications. It was developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton at Twitter and released as an open source product on GitHub in August 2011. The stable version of Bootstrap is 3.3.7 and the new version 4.0.0.alpha6 was released on January 6, 2017.
Pros of Bootstrap:
1. Ease of use and saves time:
It has predefined templates so that there is no need to spend much time for coding. It’s very easy to use who has basic knowledge of HTML and CSS.
2. Responsive Features:
It has responsive CSS so that it gets adjusted to Desktops, Tablets, and Mobiles as per the screen resolution without any changes in coding.
3. Compatibility:
It is compatible with all modern browsers and Internet Explorer Versions.
4. Grid System:
It includes a mobile-first flexbox grid system for creating layouts in all shapes and sizes. It is based on 12 column layout and has multiple tiers.
5. Open Source:
It is free to download and use as it is an open source.
Cons of Bootstrap:
1. All sites look alike:
It shares the same design templates and styles from the central library so that all the web pages looks alike.
2. Incredibly heavy:
It contains a lot of CSS and JS Coding so that the server will take much time to load.
3. Limited JavaScript components:
It uses limited jQuery plugins which limit a lot of possibilities. Most of the developers complain about JavaScript components especially Tooltip plugin.