WordPress Security Plugins

iThemes Security

The iThemes Security plugin is a nice addition to enhance your security, and it is easy to install in WordPress. By adding an extra layer of protection, security features have been listed below that iThemes Security Pro provides.

To install, First login to your WordPress dashboard, then click on “Plugins” on the Justify. Click on “Add New” and use the search box to find the “iThemes Security (formerly that is Better WP Security)”. Click on “Install Now”, and then activate the plugin in your WordPress. On the left sidebar, click on option “Security” and iThemes will start a security check on your site. Additionally, you can click on Security > Settings on the left to enable any security features that fit for your website.


Wordfence Security – It is the Firewall & Malware Scan plugin. Wordfence includes an endpoint firewall and malware scanner.  One of the key features is that it supplied with the newest firewall rules, malware signatures and malicious IP addresses to keep your website safe. Click on the Wordfence subtitle to jump to installation and setup instructions.


Now you can create an account with CloudFlare to protect your websites from various attacks including DDoS mitigation, customer Cloudflare helps mitigate DDoS attacks, prevent customer data breaches, and block malicious bot which it is abuse. The Cloudflare DNS is DDoS protection for domain resolution. It sits behind the same 15 Tbps network that protects over 7 million Internet properties from denial-of-service attacks. The Cloudflare DNS also comes with built-in load-balancing, automatic failover, rate-limiting, and filtering. Then the Cloudflare also offers DNSSEC to add a layer of trust on top of DNS by providing authentication.

Web Application Firewall (WAF)

The Web application firewall (WAF) rulesets available on all of Cloudflare’s paid plans, the WAF has built-in rulesets, including rules that mitigate WordPress specific threats and vulnerabilities.

Additional features:

Automatic cache purge, and header rewrite to prevent a redirect loop when Cloudflare’s Universal SSL is enabled.  Now You can change the settings of the Cloudflare from within the plugin itself and without needing to navigate to the cloudflare.com dashboard. The available settings that to get change are cache purge, security level, Always Online, and image optimization.


As auditing, the malware scanner, and plugin of security hardening, it’s a security suite that works well with your existing website’s security. This plugin offers a great set of security features such as Security Activity Auditing, File Integrity Monitoring, Malware Scanning in Remote, Blacklist Monitoring, Effective Security Hardening, Post-Hack Security Actions, Security Notifications, and Website Firewall (premium).

Read More https://www.servercake.blog/setup-sucuri-firewall-wordpress/

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